題名: Reconnection:校園×人文×跨世代
其他題名: Reconnection: Campus × Humanity × Cross-generation
作者: 李舒媺
關鍵字: 生質能源
Aging in place
Biomass energy
Image documentary
Service design
系所/單位: 企業管理學系, 商學院
摘要: Reconnection──校園×人文×跨世代,重新詮釋「在地老化(Aging in place)」的定義,以逢甲大學校園作為基礎,主要客群強調逢甲大學附近社區的長者為主要訴求對象,結合在地老化之創新服務商業模式,透過服務設計流程及方法,以田野調查、在地耆老訪談等方式,觀察、紀錄銀髮族群在地生活文化、歷史、人生故事,定義出心理層面、資訊層面及環境層面三大問題,Reconnection團隊作為重新連結起不同世代的溝通平台,經由創意發想,提出以綠能轉換站作為服務支援系統之基礎,讓在地資源能夠不斷地循環再利用,並以直觀、傳統的呈現介面,在校園中建置Reconnection綜合服務站,提供資訊看板、舉辦多元講座及活動,並結合資通訊科技(Information and Communication, ICT)之應用,轉化人物記憶、生活故事及在地文化,以社群網絡平台作為媒介分享,塑造科技友善環境。 Reconnection在地創新服務模式,從凝聚生活的校園發起,重啟世代間的對話,分享不同世代的故事;重塑校園功能,提升場域價值;並重新詮釋在地老化之樣態,活化在地社群,推展在地3C (Communication, Clean, Culture)新生活。
Reconnection: Campus X Humanity X Cross-generation refines the meaning of Aging in place. Based on Feng Chia campus, combined the innovative service model for aging in place to target on the elders who live nearby campus. Through the service design method, observing and recording the elders local live, culture, and history by interviewing. Reconnection team defines the needs including mental, information and environment. As a bridge to reconnect the different generation, reconnection team proposes the green spot as the service support system to information station, and holds multiple lectures and activities in campus. By using Information and Communication Technology, to transform memory, story and local culture, and sharing on social media to reconstruct a friendly technology environment. Reconnection model begins from campus to restart the dialogue and to share the story between different generations, to reconstruct the function of campus to add the value, and to refine the style of aging in place to activate the local community. In the end, to develop a new local life including communication, clean and culture.
日期: 2017-04-17T06:40:33Z
學年度: 105學年度 第一學期
開課老師: 吳如娟
課程名稱: 作業管理
系所: 企業管理學系, 商學院

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