題名: 流體力學試驗報告
其他題名: 渦流試驗-vortex test
作者: 邱淳銜
關鍵字: 自由渦流
forced vortex
free vortex
系所/單位: 水利工程與資源保育學系, 建設學院
摘要: 中文摘要 使用儀器製造出自由渦流與強制渦流的流況。藉由觀察自由渦流與強制渦流的流況與流場,瞭解自由渦流與強制渦流的特性與觀念,比較自由渦流與強制渦流的差異,發現差別在於有無旋轉,進而瞭解旋流與非旋流的特性。 自由渦流與強制渦流使用的儀器為同一台。但自由渦流無外力作用但有出水,而強制渦流有外力作用但無出水,因此兩者的差異在於儀器的滾筒有無旋轉與出水閥開關與否。 自由渦流與強制渦流原理相近,最大差異在於有無旋轉。強制渦流的水桶外殼提供了一個額外的力,因此阻止了剛性旋流成為無旋流,此種旋轉渦流常稱為強制渦流,非旋流常稱為自由渦流。
Abstract The use of instruments to create a free vortex and forced vortex flow conditions. By observing the flow and flow field of free vortex and forced vortex, we can understand the characteristics and concepts of free vortex and forced vortex. Comparing the difference between free vortex and forced vortex, it is found that the difference lies in whether there is rotation or not, and then the relationship between swirling and non-swirling characteristic. Free vortex and forced vortex use of the same instrument. But the free vortex has no external force but water, but the forced vortex has an external force but no water, so the difference between the two instruments is whether the rotation of the drum and the outlet valve switch or not. The principle of free vortex and forced vortex is similar, the biggest difference is whether the rotation. forced vortex bucket housings provide an additional force and therefore prevent rigid swirling from becoming swirling, often referred to as forced vortex, often referred to as free vortex.
日期: 2018-04-25T02:45:46Z
學年度: 106學年度第一學期
開課老師: 許少華
課程名稱: 流體力學試驗
系所: 水利工程與資源保育學系, 建設學院

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