題名: 有⾁ SUCCULENT & GIFT 零售企劃書
作者: 王昱晴
關鍵字: 有肉 Succulent &Gift 多肉植物禮品專賣店
RF / T 矩陣
Succulent and Gift Store
SWOT analysis
competitors analysis
format and industry analysis
RF/T matrix
retailing style design
analysis of location and trading area
系所/單位: ⾏銷學系, 商學院
摘要: 中⽂摘要 我們⾸先透過 SWOT 分析,了解零售店的優勢和劣勢,再⽤競爭者分析,包括業態內和業態間的分析,了解我們與其他店之間的差異。另外,繪製出 RF / T矩陣以找出主要⽬標客⼾、產品組合及未來發展的⽅向。 我們決定經由市場滲透來增加利潤。保持現有的零售業態,但在店⾯商品成列、推廣和服務等⽅⾯做改變。 我們的零售店模型在整體設計上以玻璃和原⽊材為主,讓顧客感到舒適、享受和放鬆。不論在產品展⽰,招牌,室內設計,⾊彩,燈光,⾳樂,氣味等所有細節都致⼒為顧客帶來最佳空間氛圍,且讓他們在⼤⾃然和美麗的空間中也能享受⼀杯咖啡。最後,透過⽴地和商圈的分析,建⽴⼀個⾧期競爭優勢,也同時能改善劣勢,帶來商機。 我們銷售的不僅僅為產品,也是⼀種⽣活⽅式和享受。
Abstract For this retailing analysis report, we choose Succulent and Gift Store to conduct their shop analysis from all aspect through trying to keeping their advantages, transform their disadvantages and improve retailing format by everything we learn in this class. Starting from SWOT analysis, to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the store to improve and extend for current situation or future. Though competitors analysis, included format and industry analysis, we analyze the difference between our store with others. We also drew a RF/T matrix to find out that the main target customer, our produce line and the way to develop in future. We decided to increase the market share by market penetration, keep the retailing format but make some important changes in design, promotion and service,etc. Which make more profit in short period time. In addition, we created the ideal business model of the succulent store, our retailing style design is full of glass and wood to make customer feel comfortable, enjoy and relax. All of details as product display, signboard, interior design, color, light,music, smell,etc are trying to bring the best atmosphere for customer, let them enjoy their a cup of coffee in the nature and beautiful space. Finally, by the analysis of location and trading area, we can optimization the business opportunity of the new store, and improve disadvantage. Our Succulent and Gift Store does not selling only products, we are selling the life style. We are trying to become Eslite Bookstore in this industry. We bring relaxing, enjoyment for customer by each product we sell and service.
日期: 2019-04-02T01:54:47Z
學年度: 107學年度第一學期
開課老師: 何晉瑋
課程名稱: 零售與通路經營
系所: ⾏銷學系, 商學院

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