2007年 NCS 全國計算機會議 : [179] 類別首頁

類別內的文件 (依上傳日期由降冪排序排序): 從 21 到 40 筆,總共 179 筆
Efficient Rotating and Mirroring Operations on the Iimage data Based on CBLQChang, Ye-In; Chen, Hue-Ling; Hsiao, Yuan-Shu; Liu, Ta-Wei2008-07-22T06:17:25Z
在IEEE 802.16 中截斷二元指數後退演算法之研究朱國志; 鄭宇哲2008-08-06T01:44:29Z
A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Terminal Path Cover Problem in TreesHung, Ruo-Wei; Fang, Chih-An2008-07-21T01:59:14Z
Fault tolerance for Hamiltonian cycle of node expansion on hypercubeHung, Chun-Nan; Chang, Hsuan-Han; Shi, Guan-Yu2008-07-22T07:20:38Z
An Adaptive Predator/Prey GameHsieh, Hao-Min; Wang, Ling-Ling2008-08-06T02:06:09Z
Simplifying Blocking Probability Estimations for Heterogeneous Voice Sources in VoIP EnvironmentsReu-Ching Chen2008-07-23T02:32:16Z
Efficient Sleep-Awake Scheduling Mechanism for Target Coverage Problem and It's Implementation李威; 王子嘉; 張志勇2008-07-31T06:45:33Z
以簡單線性迴歸分析實作掌紋辨識系統虞台文; 李佳勳2008-07-22T03:06:32Z
Pose and expression invariant face recognition with one sample image per personHuang, Hui-Fuang; Chen, Hong-Wen2008-07-22T03:10:16Z
智慧型校園大樓門禁監控系統蔡俊明; 葉榮木2008-08-05T02:24:39Z
Database of CpG-island-assoicated microRNA genesTsai, Ming-Cheng; Huang, Chien-Hung2008-07-22T06:10:20Z
Improve Software System Visualization using Genetic AlgorithmYang, Haw-Ching; Chang, Cheng-Da2008-07-21T07:55:52Z
Panconnected properties and pancyclic properties of the k-ary n-cubesFang, Jywe-Fei; Feng, Shr-Cheng; Huang, Yu-Chieh2008-07-22T07:25:38Z
Parametric Searching Algorithms with Adaptive Strategy for Three Dimensional Protein Structures AlignmentsShin, Hsiang-Sheng; Huang, Shih-Peng; Lin, Yaw-Ling2008-07-31T06:22:00Z
以螞蟻演算法進行測驗卷編製何祖鳳; 徐熊健2008-08-06T02:32:50Z
於無線行動感測網路中結合Spatial Full Coverage與電量平衡Temporal Full Coverage之技術朱威誠; 張志勇2008-07-31T06:43:36Z
在複雜背景作基於模版之手追蹤唐政元; 吳怡樂; 吳松航; 趙士賓; 陳彥伶; 陳彥伶2008-08-05T02:02:07Z
A Study of Improvements on FEC EfficiencyKuo, Chun-Yi; Tsai, Ming-Fong; Shih, Chi-Huang; Shieh, Ce-Kuen2008-07-31T07:39:40Z
使用設計草圖於高中程式設計之氣泡排序法教學鞠一文; 陳振炎2008-08-06T07:59:45Z
以強度對分佈為基礎的自動化影像對比增強戴顯權; 張蓺英; 王乃慶2008-07-22T06:24:55Z
類別內的文件 (依上傳日期由降冪排序排序): 從 21 到 40 筆,總共 179 筆